
Spencer Hastings, Anyone?

by - Saturday, July 05, 2014

Does anyone know Spencer Hastings? Well if you're like whose been so addicted with this series from season 1 I bet you know her.

Troian Bellisario or most commonly known as Spencer on Pretty Little Liars and the brainy of the group. For those who are also watching the series you probably notice what most of us notices on the tv series. The fashion style of the leading actress of the series. From Spencer to Emily(you'll get what I mean if you're watching it) 

Anyway, probably one of the main reason why I continue watching it when I was still at season 1 is their sense of fashion. I can't help but admire and adore all their wardrobes and be inspired of it. One of them is Spencer, actually each of them has different style which I will be sharing with you, but since Spencer really caught my eyes with her personality and fashion put together I'll start with her. If only I could save all her outfits from season 1 it would be a jampack. But the photos are all from google, pinterest and weheartit, so kudos to the owner for posting it I have something to share with you guys.

So, let's begin? Spencer Hastings, the brainy and the over-achiever of the group with a privileged upbringing, and an athlete, clearly has lots to be envy with. But one of the most kind-hearted(as for me) on the series. She is probably one of the wardrobe I'll be raiding if I'll be given a chance to. Here's why

Amazing isn't it? 

This post, really now.

I was thinking that I need to put one of my outfit post that will get along with Spencer style. haha! Well, I hope this one works though.

what do you guys think? Perhaps a little bit more of cardigan? :p See whole outfit post here http://chasingculprit.blogspot.com/2014/05/its-ribbon-kind-of-day.html


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  1. I've never heard of her!

    I like your outfit :-)

  2. Never heard of her but I now I do, I'll watch the show, thanks for sharing dear


  3. I love her, she is my favorite characet from Pll

  4. I used to watch PLL when it was on MTV ages ago but since have stopped.. i need to get back into it! I love their fashion sense!!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog.. I'm following you via Blogovin' and instagram, would love it if you would follow back :) xx


  5. Ellie, I like your dress, it is very cute :)

    She does have style, I never watched the show though... :)

  6. She is my favorite character from PLL because of the following reasons:
    She's smart
    She has an awesome sense of style

    I love Troian in general because she's smart in real life, she really has an awesome sense of style, and she's engaged to patrick freaking adams

  7. She is the best of the liars! <3 Love her :D


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