

Instagram (http://instagram.com/snoopellie): 1013 followers
Instagram shop (http://instagram.com/sassyflairies) 1845 followers
Twitter (https://twitter.com/snoopellie): 391 followers
Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/Chasingculprit): 242 likes
Facebook Friends (https://www.facebook.com/snoopellie): 1,441
Facebook followers (https://www.facebook.com/snoopellie): 122
Tumblr (http://thecutemeet.tumblr.com/): 1595 followers
Lookbook (http://lookbook.nu/snoopellie): 184 fans
Chictopia (http://www.chictopia.com/snoopellie): 124 followers and 258 friends
Pinterest (http://www.pinterest.com/snoopellie/): 20 followers
Polyvore (http://snoopellie.polyvore.com/): 15 followers

TOTAL FOLLOWERS: 8759 and counting


For collaborations, specifically, I'm open if its anything to do with fashion, crafts, and anything that will surely benefit both sides.

For sponsorship, this involves sending me products like, dress, shoes, watch, or any accessories that I will after receiving it will post a review or feature it on my blog and will be shared on my every social networking sites.


Banners or Text Links

$15 – (100 x 100) 30 days
$25 –Medium Ad (250 x 250) 30 days
$40 - Big Ad under my blog header for 30 days


This involves sending me clothes, accessories, gadgets, or shoes that I will do a review here on my blog. Will also post on my other social networking sites posted above.


I accept collaborations or sponsored posts specifically about fashion and crafts.

$10 – Any wishlist post will fall under here.

$15 – 200 WORDS
Original article with a maximum of 200 words plus your links, the post will be shared on all of my social networking sites stated above with your logo as a photo of it.

$20 – 300 WORDS
Original article with a maximum of 300 words plus your links, the post will be shared on all of my social networking sites stated above with your logo as a photo of it.

$25 - 400 WORDS
Original article with a maximum of 400 words plus your links, the post will be shared on all of my social networking sites stated above with your logo as a photo of it.


1. After agreeing for a collaboration, the company should pay (after doing review and verification over the post and if they wish to edit some) after 48 hours since the post was live.
2. Fail to inform or email the blogger after 48 hours the blogger has the right to take down the post and do a bad review about the company (I need to do this because of some company who after publishing the post never heard from them since until as we speak)
