
Sassyflairies On The Go

by - Tuesday, July 29, 2014

did you know that I do enjoy diys and crafty things? I do follow a lot of that kind of blogs here. Anyway, my online shop is very active these days since I need money to cover my expenses and I don't want to ask for more to my parents for my out of town trip or new clothes I am so eager to sell and be active on my shop. Before I was engage to clothes but now my shop is very active on selling accessories like bracelets in chains or nautical and necklaces in chains and chokers. These accessories are all handmade by me. And I sell these on very cheap price. Enough for me to make a livingg while I'm unemployed. I'll show you some of those accessories and you might want to buy one or you knew some friends who might be interested to buy one hope you can refer me. :)

I also seel supplies for diys bracelets and necklaces 

Visit sassyflairies on instagram for more! Or sms/viber me at 09164640653

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  1. Ellie you are so talented... if it wouldn't cost so much for the duty, I'd buy some for Valentina... ♡

  2. OMG! I'm in love with this silver one (with Eiffel Tower) <3
    Sheinside GIVEAWAY CLICK! :)

  3. Very pretty! I've seen some of these before and liked them :-)

  4. Cool! Hope u have more and more sales!

    fashionsbit blog  || facebook  ||  instagram  ||  bloglovin  ||  twitter

  5. Wow *.*
    Amazing! ;)

    I follow your blog :)
    Follow you my blog?

  6. They are really cool! I'm following you right now, follow me back please!


  7. I love them!
    do we follow each other?
    let me know and I'll follow you back
    new post: http://tupersonalshopperviajero.blogspot.com.es/2014/07/4-beauty-must-have-body-shop.html


Thanks for the wonderful message!