
Sunflower Town

by - Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yes. Kendall and Kylie Twisted Sunflower Cutout Dress it is. When I saw it by the one I am following on instagram I immediately search for someone who sells one. I know I'm not that confident to wear such but whatever I still wear it.

Thank God for hashtags on instagram. It's where I was able to find this dress. Plus it's cheap and the seller is really friendly I got it in 2days I guess. The online shop where I bought this is @cleanoutclosetph they have one of the cheapest online store and a friendly seller. Go check their ig :)

I've noticed that too. It's a bit big for me but I don't hesitate a little. Maybe that's how badly I want this one. Honestly, one of the reason I really bought it is because it can serve as my motivation to lose some weight because when I can finally wear it on public I can say I did lose some because really those tummy oh you have no idea. Anyway, what do you think does it looks good on me despite the obvious?

My favorite boots so far! I don't know about you guys but somehow, despite of the bad feedbacks from dressale they still manage to have this sent to me. Not bad at all I believe. Been working with them for the past months started last year, but suddenly stop since I have really loads of things to do. But while I was working with them I earned for about $60 and save it so I can buy this boots. I'm a boots lover, really. And floral is my thing too and been dreaming to have one like the dms out there. Pretty isn't?

Face of the day. haha!

It would mean a lot to me if you an follow me on ig :D links are below 


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  1. Thank you so much! Followed back!)

  2. very nice cut-out dress! it's adventurous but still vintage-y and feminine <3

    new post on my blog,
    Cassie Thriftier

  3. Nice dress and the boots are so cute. You look great. :-0

    I think I would be too shy to expose my middle body like that hehe!

  4. What a sexy cute dress!! You look adorable. - Appreciate your visit on my blog very much and YES to following each other pls. Following you now via GFC and BLOGLOVIN - sure hope you follow back. Thanks and stay Bless!!*


  5. Wow this look is very particular!!! *-*
    It's perfect for the summer !!

    Thanks for the visit on my blog!! I'm happy to follow each other ^^
    I follow you now on Gfc - Facebook - Bloglovin - Instagram (@discoveringtrend)
    Waiting for you ... ♥ www.discoveringtrend.blogspot.it

  6. You look beautiful! Thanks for the comment in my blog, sure I want the follows. Pls follow me on gfc, bloglovin, facebook, instagram and twitter; and let me know, I will follow back asap. Thanks!

    fashionsbit blog || facebook || instagram || bloglovin || lookbook

  7. The dress is so cute Ellie, it does look great on you but I understand you would have to feel comfortable walking around in it... By the way, you are wonderful size...you look amazing :)

  8. You look beautiful Ellie! That's a cute dress! I loooove your shoes!!! New post on my blog -
    www.JuneWantsItAll.com and we could also connect on Twitter, Facebook ,Bloglovin and Pinterest
    Keep in touch

  9. Lovely dress! Thanks for the visit. We can follow each other. Following now on gfc and blogloving. Hope you follow back.

  10. cute dress, thanks for the comment on my blog, hope you follow me back now as I'm following you on bloglovin and gfc:)

  11. Your dress looks so pretty and the cut outs are very cute. Have a great week further dear :)

  12. wow, fantastic!! Lover your dress <3 Lovely

  13. I like this a lot.<3

    Two new posts, visit !

  14. Lovely designed dress! And I really love the floral boots! >.<
    Mind to follow each other? Let me know.



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