
It's A Frigid Monday

by - Tuesday, July 04, 2017

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It's really been a while since my last outfit post. Oh well, here it is now. Hope to update my outfit section soon. Anyway, as you may have noticed, I cut my hair short (again, I cut it two years ago), it was shorter last May and grew already and I'm planning to trim it back before I leave for my forty days backpacking trip.

Glad it rained already but I hope it is not much just enough to water all the drought in my country and just so the weather turns a bit cold. It was so hot lately. Since it was raining, I manage to pull off some sweatshirt and a thights at least.

top h&m | corduroy button down skirt zaful | tights sm department store | boots river island | bag longchamp

Below are some of the photos I took just inside my room. HA! :)

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  1. Lovely and sweet look just like your smile! Love the skirt, dear!

    Madame X

  2. This cute look suits you very well!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


Thanks for the wonderful message!