
Silk Floss Dress With Doll Neckline

by - Friday, March 14, 2014

Hi everyone, today I will introduce to you one of cheapest online site I've known since I started blogging.  SammyDress is a global online retail company. They sell a widely variety of wardrobes to choose from. They are a leading supplier of Wedding Dresses and Wedding AccessoriesSpecial Occasion Dresses and Accessories, Casual Dresses, Women's Clothing, Cosplay Costumes, Intimate LingerieMen and Women's Shoes, Wigs, Fashion Jewelry, Bags and Accessories, Home & Living, Men's clothing, Children's Toys, Shoes, Lifestyle Products and many more great items. Their products is of high quality and I can attest to that.

It started last year of November when SammyDress emailed me about this iTry-Program. At first it wasn't push through since we both agree on doing a giveaway using my blog and they are the sponsor. (Btw, thank you all for joining it!) It was February of this year when we finalize the iTry-Program, where they will send me free samples from their site SammyDress and post a review about it.

The very first time they emailed me about the itry-program, I already searched for the one I'll be choosing. And yes, I prefer a dress. They have lots of great dresses to choose from. From Maxi Dresses to Mini Dresses to Loose Dresses. My closet has always been full of red dresses. Seriously. I haven't had so much blue or any shades of blue. When I saw this I can't help but think of wearing it and owning it. I thought this partnership will not push through but tadah its here and I'm wearing it!

At first, I hesitate what will be the look of this when I get it. There are a lot of negative reviews on purchasing online but this one is different. Since its free size I didn't expect much, but it does fit me very well. It's garterized  waist makes it easy to adjust especially if you're like me, looking slim but has a fat belly. :p The length of the dress is just as fine with me. Not too long, not too short. On the photo on their site I thought it's a sleeveless, but it's not. It has a unique sleeve style. And plus, and most of all more important with me is that it's cloth, its cotton so it doesn't feel itchy when worn.

I fell in love for the very first time I saw this. I am into peterpan collar that's why. And I can't help but admire the details of the collar. Nevertheless, I'm satisfied when I received it. The collar makes the dress even more appealing and eye-catching. 

Yes, it has pockets. I love wearing dress with pockets, I don't know, sounds pretty cool with me. It seldom though.

And as for my hair, I did it myself. My hair is such a mess since I started perming it every 3months, I know, it damages my hair so much. Since it's so bad hair day I decided to had it on a bun and put my wired headband around it. Okay naman diba? :D

I pair it with a sling bag and add some accessories that will go perfectly with it.

And this cute flats is absolutely fitting to the dress. Don't you think?

So, total verdict? 5 star! I have a new dress to wear almost everyday! I'm just like that you know, wearing it more often because I just can't help but to wear it because I just simply love it and want to flaunt it. If you're interested with the dress and or similar one you can always visit their site to view and browse some items. Here's the link to the dress on sammydress. They offer a lot of dresses to choose from. You can take this dress at home for only $7. Cheap right? I know. Thar's why they're one of the coolest site you can purchase fashionable clothes for women.

deep blue dress sammydress | sandals parisian | sling bag Sylvia Santos | bracelet accessories forever21 | pearl necklace won at a giveaway


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  1. lovely dress :)


  2. Very chic, the dress is so cute. You look fab. :)
    I'm new follower hope you can follow me too)

  3. Thank you for your lovely comment! I really love your style dear, your Dress is too sweet and a hughe compliment for your hairstyling!

    Keep in touch sweety


    Fashion Hamburg Blog

  4. Your outfit is so cute!! Love the collar and your flats! Adorable!

  5. Your style is lovely!
    Saludos y feliz fin de semana.
    Costa Rica

  6. Nice outfit.

  7. Nice dress and I love the shade of your lippies :)

    http://yourfashiontroubleshootingguide.blogspot.com ♥

  8. The dress is so cute but what I love most are those lovely sandals!:)

  9. That is a fabulous dress for 7.00, great purchase, you can change the look of it easily with a higher heel, a blazer... a scarf... Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, that was so sweet of you :)

  10. This is an adorable dress. You look great.

  11. Your dress is so cute and looks wonderful and pretty on you <3

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


  12. the dress looks great on u.. thanks fr stopping by my blog.. xo

  13. Amazing look! I love the dress!

  14. cute dress


  15. Such a cute dress hun! Thank you for your lovely comment, hope to see you again soon xx

  16. Hi sweety, you look so pretty in this dress, the collar is lovely. Have a great Monday!

  17. Lovely dress and bracelet. You look so cute! xx


  18. The neckline on your dress is really nice and so is the charm bracelet.

  19. That dress is so beautiful! I really love ur look ^^


  20. Neck design and shoes are so pretty.


  21. You look adorable in your outfit! Love all about it, but the peterpan collar, and the accessories are to die for<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  22. woww you are looking Preety <3
    Lovelyy outfit

  23. lovely post... ...
    loved your shoes...

  24. Super cute! Love the shoes!


  25. I love the peterpan collar style too, you picked out a super cute dress totally suits you. It's a great price sammydress sells it for, very affordable!


  26. Ellie really follow you, If you don't find me in your blogger follower list must be an error, yesterday click in the button and followed you, try to check it again please, sorry a lot for the mistake.

    A lot of kisses


Thanks for the wonderful message!