
Shell Eco-Marathon Asia

by - Sunday, March 02, 2014

This is probably one of the event/activity that me and my siblings attend to. Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2014 take place for the first time in Manila, Philippines.  "Shell Eco-marathon challenges student teams from around the world to design, build and test ultra energy-efficient vehicles. With annual events first in the Americas, then Europe and Asia, the winners are the teams that go the furthest using the least amount of energy. The events spark debate about the future of mobility and inspire young engineers to push the boundaries of fuel efficiency." (shell.com)

It was an awesome experience. I am really not into cars. I don't know anything about the engine. If the looks look good then its good for me. Nothing more, nothing less. I do enjoy watching Fast and Furious and playing racing but that's it. This shell eco-marathon evolves my liking to cars, though.

My brother is the main reason why we go here. Honestly, me and sister(who happens to be working at shell as finance analyst) planned already to be going here since last January. But we feel lazy to still go til my younger brother told us that he wanted to join us and by that making it possible for us to agree. Minsan lang sumama ang mga kapatid kong lalaki sa mga gantong lakad. My younger brother's first love is engine, or at least anything in relation with mechanics. When we were still young, grade school to narrow it down, he really wanted to be one, a mechanic. He will build his own small cars or even make a fan out of pieces of junks on my dad's toolbox. As he enter college, he's decided what to take up, Mechanical Engineering on this institute. But he decided to enroll on another school, in my school, but sadly, there's no ME in our school which frustrates him the most. Anyway, he's already graduate from he's degree BS ECE. But he's liking to mechanics never fades off.

Energy lab offers different exciting activity to try on! My favorite part is where I can build my own eco-friendly planet and named it myself! haha

This is what I'm talking about. Where you will build your own planet.

And tadah! Here it is Planet ellie!! :D

These are some of the cars that joined the competition. It came from different schools here in the Philippines and the entire asia. 

It was a whole day of fun with siblings. Looking forward for more exciting and fun activities like this with them.


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  1. Un bellissimo evento! :D


  2. Ellie, there are some really cool and interesting items here... great that you were able to attend this :)


Thanks for the wonderful message!