
Emotional Thursday

by - Thursday, March 20, 2014

radio tshirt random online store | bumblebee sweater thrift shop | bumblebee skirt charm's corner | flats celine

I was caught earlier doing something I really didn't do. Maybe a part of it but not intentionally. It was the first time and will be the last. A lot happened this week and I should repeat with emphasis A LOT! If you constantly reading my blog you would've know or remember me mentioning (and for my new follower) that I am a graduating student this May. If you're a follower of my instagram, every week, Monday to be exact, I always post a countdown of weeks left til finals. And this week is the 4th week.

Everything goes well, I remember starting the countdown 9 weeks more... Everything is fine. I go well at school. I'm done passing all the requirement I WAS ASKED by school. But why does it need to happened when I only have less than 4 months?? My files aren't complete or should I say missing. I was a trasferee from a state university. I make it sure to pass necessary files and records needed. When I apply for graduation the only thing they told me to submit is my birth certificate, that was last February 27 when I was able to submit it. And las tuesday they called me telling me I don't have this kind of record so they can't process mine. How come? Some of my subjects were credited, where did they get my infos from that? And my previous school won't release any record on rush, the fastest is one month! The list of tentative will be releases this end of March. Do the math. :\

A lot more happened. But I'll be looking like a nagger ranting whatever here. I just need an outlet. 

All thanks to my guy who cheers me up the whole day and stays with me. To my sister who accompany me to my former achool and for letting me take a breath for awhile.

For those who commented on my previous post thank you for all the concern and response, and to those who have same sentiments let me know if you got it fixed? Advance thank you to all!

For the mean time, I am following through bloglovin. I really wanted to have one platform so I don't need to open manu sites but I guess this will do just fine, well, for now. 

I received the watch from my new collaboration and will post it next and eatch out for my new and legit giveaway!


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  1. lovel skirt :)


  2. oh no! i hope they straighten things out. it's horrible they can't find your records. love your outfit. really cool skirt and top. LOVE your sandals.

  3. Don't worry Ellie things will always work its way out!
    Just hold on till it's finished! While you're waiting there are always days to relax and kick back remember that! Don't stress out too much cause then you'll get wrinkles and stuff LOL<3
    Good luck!
    (btw awesome outfit, loving the whole skirt and sandals combo)


  4. Such a pretty look. ;-)
    Lovely greets Nessa

  5. Love that skirt!


  6. Awe Ellie, I hope they figure out this mess... their mess very soon...I will put good thoughts out there for you :)

  7. hi dear thanks for the visit and beautiful post =) I myself is having an emotion roller coaster these past days. But somehow I keep holding and trusting God in everything.=) http://anotsosecretlife2011.blogspot.com/

  8. you look great.. dnt worry u shall come out of it soon.. best wishes.. xoxo
    Do check out my latest post.. Thank u :)

  9. loving your striped skirt!
    very nice blog by the way :)

    kisses from Russia,

  10. oh no, i'm sorry to hear that! hope everything works out well soon. it's good to surround yourself with amazing and supportive people, and it's nice you have your guy and your sister. chin up and keep positive :)


  11. Hope you had a great weekend and a lovely Monday so far. Love the colors in this outfit, dear.

  12. u look lovely ..loved the skirt

    my recent one :http://www.indianbeautyforever.com/2014/03/haul-post-clothes-accessories-and.html?m=1

  13. thank you for your sweet comment on my blog and yes we can follow each other so let me know when you start following my blog bu gfc and bloglovin and I will follow you back ;)

  14. thank you dear for following my blog I followed you bakc by gfc and bloglovin :)

  15. You look so cute :)

    I'd really appreciate it if you would visit my blog.
    Let me know if you follow me anywhere. I follow everyone back!
    Do give me some time to get back to you. :)

    Sandy | http://smxyc.blogspot.sg


Thanks for the wonderful message!