
I'm A Thrift Shop Lover

by - Wednesday, March 26, 2014

You most likely not to be seeing me wearing pants or jeans or the like. I don't like wearing pants that is too loose for me. Just like that. I always have a hard time looking for best fit of jeans but came to none. I gave up and ditch all my jeans. Thank goodness for jeggings, I finally have something to wear for pants. 

Take this one for example, this is not really a jeggings but a denim-like pants which is very soft and cotton. Would you believe I bought this at a thrift shop for only 35 pesos? Yes, 35 pesos it is. Quite a steal right? And those amazing top are from thrift shop too for about 25 pesos. I so love thrift shop! There are new thrift shop just near our subdivision I will definitely check it out on my free time. One of the things I enjoy is hauling at thrift shop you can't really tell what you can find in there!

top and bottom thrift shop | black wedge some online shop I forgot

Are you fond of thrift shop? Mind sharing your awesome thrift adventures?

This week marks the last 3 weeks of my stay at school. That means so many deadline and projects and submissible and I have a report tomorrow. I really hope I can do all of this. I'm close to panicking because my records are not yet okay. I hope everything went out well this week and for my last 3 weeks!


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  1. Great post dear...lovely pics..:-)
    Such a beautiful outfit! and what a lovely location!

  2. Amazing look! I love the pants!

  3. I hope the issue with your records resolves itself soon, it is hard to take on so many additional stresses when you are already dealing with school. I am sure it will all work out but it isn't easy :)

    I have actually been thinking of going to a thrift shop, I could find some cute unique pieces.. You found some great items for a really good price.

    I will send out good vibes for you Ellie :)

  4. Te ves muy bien.
    Costa Rica

  5. nice outfit! ;)


  6. The jeggings fit you so perfectly, very chic outfit. Thanks for stopping by hun :)

  7. great finds from the thrift shop!!! :D you are working it!

    Animated Confessions

  8. The jeggings look lovely on u.. loved the whole outfit xoxo
    My latest post: http://natashabhatt.blogspot.in/2014/03/patanjali-lemon-honey-kanti-body.html

  9. Love the pants! Great pics and location ^^



  10. You have chosen a great location for your cool look!

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


  11. you're soooooooooooooo gorgeous!!!!!


  12. hi babe, i also love thrift shopping. i like your shirt here, looks so comfy!
    wow. Ralph Lauren has a really amazing collection.

    It’s a GIRL Thing


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