
The New Deal

by - Tuesday, January 22, 2013

These are some fancy shoes I've seen over the net particularly on weheartit.com. I'm pretty much into wearing these kinds of shoes/heels but having a disorder on my knee and ankle won't permit me wearing heels for longer times. Parang Cinderella lang ang peg, may time limit! haha! Anyway, I'd still willing to have my shoe racks be filled with these beautiful and awesome shoes someday! I'm such a shoe-lover that I own almost 50 pairs, well that's the last time I count it. Looking at these beautiful shoes makes me giddy and jumpy that I want to wear and pair it my clothes. What do you think guys? Are my choices awesome? :D

By the way, I'm still in no luck on looking for a company for my internship. I'm feeling devastated, actually, but then again, tomorrow is another day, another day to find one! :)

This may seem out of the blue, but, I've happened to watch Les Miserables already last week, it's so awesome and I could rate it 5 star! The movie is just so amazing! I watched it with my older sister that when my friends asked me out if I want to watch it with them I definitely said yes because it's the kind of movie you would want to watch over and over again without getting bored! Seriously, but if you're not a musical lover type on a movie well you better think twice though. I'm saying this because of the experience I had when I watched it with my sister when I happened to hear some comments of the people seating beside us.

Moreover, I wish everyone is doing great. 


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  1. Oh my goodness!!!!!! I'm crazy for shoes and these are all SO BEAUTIFUL! WOW! Hope you find an internship soon my friend! Don't give up! You will land one soon:)...I promise:)!

  2. I am not such a "colour person" but I really liked thos fancy shoes!!!

    Eirini from http://fashionreactor.blogspot.gr/

  3. I love everything you found online :) Fingers-crossed for that internship! :)

  4. woooh! these shoes! HOT!!!!! i like your blog. -new follower-


  5. wow so many great and beautiful heels!

  6. these heels are incredible, i really love themmmmm!


  7. Good luck for your internship. I'm sure you'll find one soon. :)
    I love the 1st pic! The shoes are sooo cute! :)

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    ❤ ~Chai

  8. OMG! I'm in love with all of them! hahaha

    xo http://inmysocks.blogspot.com.es/

  9. Great shoes! I am following you <3<3

    I got two giveaways at the moment on my blog and would love you to enter!

  10. lovely shoes!

  11. This is like, the definition of shoe porn lol. Such great photos you found.

    I'm following your blog! Hope you check mine out. xx

  12. These are all great shoes!!


Thanks for the wonderful message!