
Photoblogs: A Child's Smile

by - Wednesday, January 09, 2013

It's been a while since my last photoblog. I happened to post 2 sets only. If you would like to see it again or haven't seen it yet here's the link. 1st & 2nd

I seldom took photos of people as a subject. As you can see for my first and second set most if not all are nature shot and everything outdoors, but this is an exemption. By far, this is the first, and hope not the last. This was during my subject happened over a year ago where we're going to find a beneficiary for our project. They are our chosen family and that's the children on their family. What I love most about here is that they voluntarily asked me to take a picture of them. I'm actually documenting our final visit to them and while doing so, one of them poke me and told me to take a picture of them which turned actually to be great, capturing their smile, a kids smile. :) Hope you guys like it. :)

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  1. Really lovely photos!!

    Eirini from http://fashionreactor.blogspot.gr/

  2. Cute photos !


  3. ellie!!! thanks for your visit in my blog...! the pics are so nice, the innocent eyes, natural and spontaneous smiles you caught all!!! i´m follow you now, I hope I always visit and leave your opinion about the new posts!
    kisses from Buenos Aires, Argentina


  4. adorable smiles, and stunning pictures!



Thanks for the wonderful message!