
Featured Blogger : In My Socks

by - Sunday, January 06, 2013

Sara Aguilar


In My Socks


I describe myself as a funny and extroverted person. I love my friends and spending time with them as you can see in my blog!

I started my blog to share my view of fashion the way I live it and to share my lifestyle.

Well, I was looking for a funny name that describe me and was a kind of a short name to be remembered by the poeple who visit it!

I think that my blog's name describe the essence of the blog because, as I've said, all you can read there is what I think and who I am.

I use Blogger, becaue it's the most popular and the most easy to use too, I really like it!

I study Art's History at Universitat de Barcelona in Spain and I love spending time with my friends and my family.

Well, maybe the most challenging part was at the beggining when you don't know exactly what to expect and you don't know if people will read you.

At first the contents were like more general and I wrote about general fashion but till it grow up I decided to share most of me and my life and I love it!

I had a personal problem at the beggining of this year and yes I considered to clode my blog but then my friends help me and I'm still here!

No, thanks God I've never experienced anything like that but I hae the kind of people that do that, because you spend a lot of time thinking and prepering your blog to be succesful.

You can start doing some giveaways and of course you have to use social media like Twitter or Facebook.

I think it's like an informal style I lobe to be closed to my readers so they can know me better.

Well I want to promote it so I'm trying to reach at least 150 followers to make a huge giveaway!

I really admire Chiara Ferragni from The Blonde Salad, I love her blog since she started and she has made her dream true so it makes me continue fighting for my blog!

If you want to start it do it, but you have to try to make a difference because nowadays everybody has a blog and if you want it to be succesful you have to work hard on it!

Sneak peek on what you can see on her blog. :)

Like what you see? Perhaps checking her out won't mind too. :)

wanna be featured here on my blog? just answer and submit this form

Btw, I just can't help but share with you my latest 'song' addiction. I just have to. I never post anything here about my passion on dancing. But I am. Been dancing ever since I could walk. Really? Yeah, really. So, on my birthday, I let my friends watch Streetdance 2 for I've been so addicted on those kind of movies. Some of my friends who's on my birthday are my co-dancers since elementary. :p One of the songs really can't get out of my head. I'm poor on title and singer thing, honestly, all I do is type some of the lyrics on google. :p haha! Anyway, I've found it. :D Can't wait to dance again with my lovies later for I'm having another Team Friday party tonight. :)


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  1. that beautiful picture, I like very much ^ _ ^

  2. I will check her blog!

  3. She looks interesting. Will check her out :)

    xx Daphne of http://daphnebenosa.com

  4. This is such an awesome post! That's so great that you featured her! I LOVE her style =D


  5. She seems like a nice person and a good blogger - I'm paying her a visit! :D

  6. Thanks so much for publishing it!!! :)

    xo http://inmysocks.blogspot.com.es/


Thanks for the wonderful message!