
Chasing Mountains: Mt. Pulog, Sorsogon

by - Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The goal is to climb at least one mountain on each province of the Philippines especially the highest one. But given the time and of course the budget that I have for travel makes it hard for me to do so. So, I take any opportunity possible. My third visit to Sorsogon makes it an opportunity to climb one of the mountains in the province: Mt. Pulog. Honestly, its Mt. Bulusan that I've been dying to climb since but it was not yet open to public because of consecutive minor phreatic explosions recently or during the time of my visits at the province.

Searching for other alternatives I discoverd Mt. Pulog, they say that when you have a nice clearing at the summit you will see Mt. Mayon and Mt. Bulusan from there. By my words, you already understand that I did not have a nice clearing during my attempt.

Standing at 1020+ masl, Mt. Pulog is located at Bacon in Sorsogon and dayhikable or you may do overnight since there's a camp site there.

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I am not aware of the weather conditions of Bicol region. I did not know that typhoons most likely hit that part of the country during Ber months. My attempt to climb Mt. Pulog happened last December of 2017 and yes I did not have clearing nor was able to reach the summit.

The day before my climb it was raining overnight. I am praying for a nice weather the following day and they gave it to me. The sun is shining and I am ready to take my first climb in the Bicol region. Upon meeting up my guide, Kuya Dante's son, sky is going to not feeling really well. Yep, the sky turns gray. I was feeling nervous not because of the rain but because I will surely don't have any clearing.

It is not my first time to climb mountain while raining. But it is my first time to climb while raining wearing a sandals and it was the worst and I promise myself not to wear sandals on any future hike. I got lots of wounds because the trail is so muddy and all. I am not against or being vain about it, its just my pace was not good during that time because I have to endure the wounds that was consistently rubbing to my sandals while walking and it tears more flesh than restrain it.

Upon arriving at the camp site me and my guide take a short break and discussed our predicament. It started to rain so hard and I am in no way far away on my trauma on blood sucking friends at the mountains. And I am not ready with another encounter with them. Again, not being vain about it but I have a worst experience from leeches and limatiks. And entering that zone after the campsite as per my guide is limatik infested and with so much rain and bloody feet we abort the climb.

When we reach the house of Kuya Dante and I was able to change to dry clothes the sun slowly showing its brightness and I know that time the weather is screwing with me. Better luck next time I guess. And I will surely make a revenge climb on Mt. Pulog.

My failed to summit attempt at Mt. Pulog was dated last December 19, 2016.

- Guide is required. You may contact Kuya Dante on this number 09478165446/09489497957
- Don't climb during BER months. If you want a clearing.
- Bring enough water
- Bring protection from limatiks
- Bring food
- Expect worst during rainy days.
- Bring firstaids

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