
One Night Abroad

by - Thursday, October 30, 2014

I've been dreaming of going to 
Thailand. Its one of the places in Asia that I want to travel soon. And if ever I'd be given a chance I would choose going there during the Yi Peng or the Lantern Festival in Chiang Mai. People release thousands of lighted lanterns in the sky while making a wish. It says that the sky transforms it in a wonderful and mesmerizing sea of little lanterns floating away. Oh, how I love to witness it, like the photo above!

According to wikipedia, "Yi means "two" and peng means a "full moon day". Yi Peng refers to the full moon day in the second month according to the Lanna lunar calendar (the twelfth month according to the Thai lunar calendar).

Isn't amazing to explore new culture and experience something new on different country? But before anything jumping to another country you have to take a listing of all the things you could possibly encounter during your stay.

whenever I'm travelling to another place I make it sure to have a to do list, what to bring, and most importantly I read lots of article, blogs or the history of the place itself. The reason why I do lots of reading about the place I'm going to is to know their culture, the landmark or their must visit place, what food to not forget to try and how possibly their usual wardrobe are to blend in and not attract much attention.

My usual list would consist of the following:

1. Read blogs about the place
2. Language of the place, is it the same with me? If no, things to bring:
a. local dictionary with english translation
3. secure a map of the place with how to get there if possible
4. what clothes do locals wear so I can blend in?
5. what to bring? Depends on how many days.
6. where to stay
7. what food not to miss out
8. landmarks and must-go-places
9. check the weather!

Reading blogs also helps on travelling. Not only it will give you an idea on what to expect on the place but you can learn on their experience, be it good or bad or you can also directly ask them on tips or do's and don'ts.

I haven't been in places where no one can't understand me. The farthest place I've been to is Boracay which is located south of my place where you need to ride a plane or by a sea. Though they are part of Visayas and speak different language which we, who speaks tagalog, don't really understand, they know how to speak and understand tagalog, for some of them or most of them came from around my place too. so, if ever I'll be travelling to places especially Thailand where language is very much different from ours, and nowhere to be mater in a matter of weeks, I'll be doing research on the "usual" greeting or the common phrase like " do you know how to get to *insert name of the place here*" or "is there any public transportation" and of course their good morning, good after noon, good evening, good night and Thank you very much and have a great day. Through this little things I believe I can survive my one night stay at Thailand. It is also advisable to take with me a local dictionary of the Thailand with english translation.

You don't want to get lost of course, but sometimes, exploration start when you get lost. so map of the place isn't big or too much of a hassle to take with me.

with what I'll wear, I think I always consider comfort over anything else especially going to some place I'm not familiar with. Checking of weather is a must too. You don't want to go to a place where weather is extremely cold and you brought every tank top and shorts with nothing to make you feel warm, Again, you don't want to spend money buying winter clothes out there when you can always bring one on your way there. But it would be nice if I'll get a chance to wear something of their own during their festival.

Foods to eat are a must on the list. Thailand is very famous for their street food. whenever I go to places I make it sure to try their specialty and the food I don't usually eat. It is always great to try something new. who knows, you'll be coming back because of the food.

You can learn a lot in just one night on different place, if you are ready, prepared open to any possibilities. Everyone of us needs adventures in our life.

*all photos are not mine, credits to the owner"


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  1. Ellie, this is a great way to be prepared to travel... I want to go to Portugal, I really should learn the basic questions as you suggested above and researching the must sees is another great tip :) I should be prepared, you never know when you can get a chance to travell :)

  2. Lovely post, these photos are great! Have a happy Halloween!

  3. Hi Ellie:

    Have a great week,
    Costa Rica.

  4. Beautiful pictures!

  5. Hello Ellie!!!!
    Fabulous post!!!! Love the photos!!!
    Hope you make those amazing travels soon!!!!


Thanks for the wonderful message!