This is the video from someone I met in the hostel where I stayed in Siargao. Really inspired...
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Where To Eat In Siargao?
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
-------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- First, I haven't eaten all of the food shops and restaurants in Siargao but what I have eaten are one of the best in the island. And thinking all of them now makes me crave for them even more! Okay, so...
How To Spend Less In Siargao?
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
-------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- This is somehow part two of my previous post "Cheap Accommodation In Siargao" but this time I'll make a guidelines on how you can spend less in Siargao. I know whenever people will hear "Siargao" they will automatically think of how...
cheap accommodationdiy traveldiy triphostelout of townpaglaom hostelsiargaosurigao del nortewhere to staywhere to stay in siargao
Cheap Accommodation In Siargao
Monday, September 18, 2017
-------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- Most people will think that going to Siargao is expensive, well that will be for sure if you don't have any idea about the island. When planning about any trip, most of us diy-ers and cheap-seeker-travelers always look for something that...
YSLA Beach Camp and Eco Resort; Another Haven In Camiguin
Wednesday, September 06, 2017
During the planninh stage of my 40 days in Mindanao, I make sure to booked on a cheap but pleasant resort or inn as much as possible. But as I browse the island of Camiguin I can't help but admire this specific resort in Mambajao. -------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with! It's safe and can...