
Love At First Sight, Romblon

Friday, April 28, 2017
-------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with Booking.com! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- I fell in love with Romblon the moment I saw the photos on the internet and the possible pristine beach I will soon set foot. It’s been almost three months since I left my job and was hired and soon to...

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To Complete My Bicol Region Trip: Hello, Masbate!

Friday, April 28, 2017
Buntod Reef -------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with Booking.com! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- I never left a province this painfully. Haay Sorsogon what did you do to me? Really? But life must go on and I need to complete my Bicol Region backpacking so wipe out the tears and let’s go to...

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Maniwaya Island, My 10th Solo Province

Thursday, April 27, 2017
Sunset before full moon -------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with Booking.com! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- It was put on hold for a week. I don't know but everytime I get this feeling that I don't want to continue a certain trip I really reschedule it. Well, I did reschedule for a day,...

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