
DealSale Wishlist!

by - Sunday, September 06, 2015

Have you came across an online shop whose available on your mobile and can be downloaded as an app? I know you knew some already and I know the benefits of it. It's very handy and easy. Another fashion online shop contacted me and asked me to do a wishlist for them. DealSale who uses technology will definitely have its way in the industry. 

I downloaded their app using my Apple Device. It's very easy. Just search DealSale click the get button and wait for it to be downloaded and you are good to go! After the app was downloaded, open it and register for best and smooth transaction till payout. Dealsale app is not only available on Apple devices but also with android devices.

It is very to browse their app. One thing that I really love about any app esp fashion shop is their search button because we can easily find what we are looking for.

I've been wanting to have a black boots. My first ever leather black boots have been missing since I recognize it was missing. Luckily, DealSale have boots too! And I don't hesitate to choose this one!

Every girls weakness probably, but not really one of them, its just that I am working my makeup thing and I am really bad it. With these sets of brush I know I can practice it anytime.

They have a variety of  products such as fashion apparel, cosmetics and accessories and a lot more. Not just that, they have a page called FlashGo that offers daily flash deals with great discounts everyday!

I can't vouch for the item yet for I haven't received the items yet. Will let you know once I get hold of them!



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  1. I like the boots. I hope you can always keep in touch. Thank you for your comment on
    Qing's Style

  2. Great post and amazing pictures :)...thx for sharing!


Thanks for the wonderful message!