
The Muddiest Waterfalls: Lulugayan Falls, Samar

by - Tuesday, July 09, 2019

It was an early habal-habal trip going to one of the falls I really long to see since then, the Lulugayan Falls in Samar. It was raining the previous days so I didn’t expect it to be on its finest but whatever, I really want to see this waterfalls.

Located at Calbiga, the bumpy and one of the most long habal-habal trip that I really enjoyed and upon seeing from afar a glimpse of the waterfalls makes my heart jump for joy. There is something about seeing the places you wished and longed to see for quite some time.

As expected, it is really muddy, chocolate waterfalls waiting for us. But despite the appearance it is nonetheless a beauty. It is really huge and a sight for sore eyes! What more if its on its real color.

Tour guide is required and its 300 for a group of five as of December 2018.

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