

by - Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Roaming around the beautiful city of Ayutthaya is like in Bangkok temple's but here it is lesser strict when it comes to what to wear. If you haven't seen my what-to-wear in Bangkok click here and in the busy street of night market in Phuket click here.

Honestly, the key is plainly just comfort. But of course you have to consider the country and city and the places you'll be visiting. Since mostly in Asia are temples and it is sacred for them wearing revealing clothes is a no-no. I maybe wearing a tube here but I always bring a shawl to cover my shoulders whenever we enter a place that has clothes policy.

I suggest wearing rubber shoes because its comfyness is the best but if you are a sandals person and wants your feet to be free you may do so but make sure to put sunscreen for the heat esp during summer is deadly.

I also suggest wearing cap or anything to cover your head and face while roaming around. Bring umbrella if you prefer that too and always hydrate.

Anyway, this is what I wore during our day trip in Ayutthaya. The long skirt makes me move freely and its not suffocating to my legs and air is freely welcome haha

I personally sewn the top and the bottom and will soon be selling on my travel shop. Stay tuned!

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