-------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with Booking.com! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- loose top forever21 | diy old jeans ripped | high heels boots kittychullishop | black tote bag CNDirect This has got to be one of my fave outfit. I've been wearing it like most of the time. The only pants I am going...
From the time my friend introduce this guy's song to me I search for his other songs and fell in love with "I'll be there" the moment I listened to it. The lyrics, the music, the rhythm, and his voice, so much perfection. And he is my crush! And he liked my instagram post about him! HAHA!
With so much love, Ellie
That Mustard Scarf, Though
Thursday, October 22, 2015
-------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with Booking.com! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- top thrifted | tennis skirt gift | heels payless | scarf sassyflairies I really wanted to post something about fall. Though, our country doesn't experienced such weather I incorporate fall color on my outfit just to feel the vibe of it somehow. What do...
Chewy Chocolate Cookie!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Last night I was bored and our refrigerator broke, though these chocolate chips can last days without on the freezer, I can't risk it so I decided to bake some chocolate cookies! There were a lot of easy recipes on the internet you can choose from. But what I did is that I...
Have you ever gotten into situation where you cut your hair and you don't like the result? Or when you need to go to any occasion and you want to have long gorgeous hair but your hair is so short you can't make anything out of it? I remember, last year, when I...
-------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with Booking.com! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- photos credit to the owner I must admit when it becomes a trend almost everyone even those who are not playing tennis want one. And I was so delighted that I already have one. It was a gift from my godfather/mother...