
Win an Item From SammyDress!

Friday, December 27, 2013
SammyDress is a global online retail company. They sell a widely variety of wardrobes to choose from. They are a leading supplier of Wedding Dresses and Wedding Accessories, Special Occasion Dresses and Accessories, Casual Dresses, Women's Clothing, Cosplay Costumes, Intimate Lingerie, Men and Women's Shoes, Wigs, Fashion Jewelry, Bags and Accessories, Home &...

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DIY tips for organizing your eyeglasses

Monday, December 16, 2013
            Many of the people who use eyeglasses, but also sunglasses tend to buy lots of pairs which can sometimes get lost...

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Win Amazing Dresses Worth $200 From Dressale

Friday, December 13, 2013
 Dressale Free Christmas Giveaway Win Amazing Dresses worth $200 Hi, lovelies, I have a FABULOUS GIVEAWAY for you! Have you heard of http://www.dressale.com/  ? It is one of my new favorite places to shop! They have the best selection of beautiful on-trend dresses,  shoes,  jewelry and more! You will be amazed entering into...

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Sweet Tooth

Sunday, December 08, 2013
                                  It's been an amazing week for me. And yesterday was even more amazing. Met my found friends at my internship program and had a full load lunch at giligans where we didn't take any photo since...

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RIP Paul Walker

Sunday, December 01, 2013
I still can't believe this. Paul Walker bid goodbye. He is one of my favorite actor. Probably because...

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Beyond Black Friday Sale at ModCloth!

Saturday, November 30, 2013
Cut-out budget? Looking for mad sale this season? ModCloth's Beyond Black Friday Sale is offering you 100s of NEW items at 50% off! Black Friday – 100’s of items 50% off @ ModCloth Here are some of my personal choice! ugh I want them all so bad!  Tis the season to be GENEROUS!...

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