
Featured Blogger: The Clothes Muse

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Full Name: Christine Gapuz Email Address: diwadiwata@gmail.com Blog Name The Clothes Muse Blog Url http://theclothesmuse.blogspot.com/ How would you describe yourself? (should atleast be 3 sentences) I'm a shy 20-something corporate working girl who happens to love dressing up. I'm also a major bookworm and book hoarder! Though tacit most of the time, I...

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Matte Barbie Pink

Saturday, November 17, 2012
There's a lot to celebrate today. But before that, pardon my missing in action on my blog lately. I've been into so much errands this past days especially taking care of my thesis and last night was our final thesis defense and I'm overwhelmed that finally after so many hardships we've finally made...

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HAUL : Girly As Usual

Tuesday, November 06, 2012
It's been a while since my last haul post. So here it goes: I've been bragging this even before that I have a thing for florals. Now, is the time to add some floral again on my stuff and this time its a floral headband! I've been wanting to have this even before...

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Featured Blogger : When I'm Older

Sunday, November 04, 2012
Full Name: Taylor Doucette Email Address: taylord450@yahoo.ca Blog Name When I'm Older Blog Url when-im-older.tumblr.com How would you describe yourself? (should atleast be 3 sentences) I have always been into fashion and makeup. But over the years, my style has been changing and this blog is my way of tracking those changes. Tell...

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Thursday, November 01, 2012
Another polyvore set for today. After I made a set of Vampire-inspired costume for Halloween, I think of...

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