
Cheering Charm? Or Just Confunded? "Fashion Bumps of The Week"

by - Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hi guys! I'm back! :) I wasn't able to post this past days because of so many reasons, well I guess the others doesn't really count (gulo ko no?). Our internet connection we're like mushroom last week, why? (sorry, I'm very poor in analogy, heeh)  Because one minute there's connection and when you blink biglang wala nanaman! I was like into blogging and doing some online stuff especially with my shoppe that is full in production because of so many orders...okay, I talk too much na. 

Moving on...

I've been eyeing a satchel bag ever since my eyes laid on them. Who doesn't like it's chicness, hypeness and lakas maka-yaman bag when you flaunt it? haha! Honestly, I can't afford to bought a brand new, well not if you count those made-to-order bags that offer "inspired style" of those chic satchel bags like my shoppe. (lakas maka-segway, heeh). Though I support local made bags and it's very cheap and really affordable, it's not really bad to have signature one. Last month, as I am browsing those blogs that I follow here at blogspot, my favorite online shoppe, the Blogger's Closet, posted a new item for sale. I'm into buying their stuff because I know their legit because owners are respected bloggers here in the Philippines. I saw a very cute pre-owned satchel bag for only 300 pesos! yep! You read it right, 300 is just the right price for a kuripot gal like me. Heeh But, not my day, it was already reserved and later on the seller texted me that it was already sold. :-/ But! After a week or two the seller posted another satchel for sale, a blue satchel from forever21 and I know it's meant for me! I'm so happy when it arrives! I bought this for only 600 pesos. :) The seller, Ms. Ava, is very nice to talk to and I really love her blog, she's so charming and adorable, I'm always inspired by the way she looks in life for being so positive always and i'm a fan of her fashion style. So I'm really overwhelm when it's me who was able to bought this bag. Here's her blog --> http://artsyfartsyava.blogspot.com/

 Blue Satchel Bag

If you've been following me on twitter, I've been joining a lot of giveaways but I guess I'm not for this. When I came across another giveaway, I really really love this poncho that I wanted to have one. Since I already knew that I will not win that giveaway, I contacted the owner of the poncho who will be supporting the giveaway. And to my luck they still have left one available poncho. So I really don't hesitate to buy it. I really love it's softness, just perfect for the Christmas season!

Pirouette is an online shoppe to love! You should check it out guys, they really sell one-of-a-kind items that you will love and it's definitely an items to die for!

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Pirouette multiply account --> http://lapirouette.multiply.com/

Because of this buys, I'm really, really broke. </3 Anyway, I really don't feel sick about buying those stuff, after all, I really like them. 

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