
Fashion Bumps of the Week

by - Monday, October 24, 2011

Fashion Bumps of the Week. It's all about my thrift finds or any things that my eye caught over the internet at the mall or just on the street, yeah, I mean everywhere! It's where I suggests thrift store where you can find not just affordable things but also a fashionable one. Since I start buying things online for like 2 years now, I'll share to you my previous and very lucky thrift find over the net for the past months. :)

I am so overwhelmed when I first saw this. I'm not the type of girl who wears sleeveless but this must be an exception.  And it just cost me P180. I bought at Charm's Corner, you can add her on her facebook account. I don't need to pay for the shipping fee because the seller is studying at University of the East that is a walking distance from our school.

A very clear look of the cropped top. :) What I like most about it is that I can pair it in anything, like, shorts, leggings, pants, romper, anything and when I'm wearing it I just feel so comfortable in it.

So bandage skirt is in, I just bought it last month, same store Charm's Corner. I just can't help but browsing their account because not only she sells low price for only P180 a very affordable one and it is so fashionable and in. Not to mention the sellers a very nice person.

Another bandage skirt that I adore so badly that I don't hesitate to buy it.

I've been wanting to buy printed cropped top, well like this, and my eyes twinkles on the sight of it, I find it very unique and can you believe that this very cute top I bought for only P180. Well the seller is one of a kind though that she gives discount if you purchase 3 or more even if not on the same album. So what are you waiting guys? Hit up her facebook account. :)

I never buy shoes online because I'm too afraid that it will not fit me. So goes to this one. It's not really my size. It's size 8. But because I've been dying to have one, though I already have a gray oxford shoes, but this one is different, it's brown it has heels and I've got a good feeling on it the moment I saw it. Ugh, I need to shot me eyes more often I think. Well, this is just a pre-loved so I just bought it for only P400. And I'm too happy when I it arrives here. Just what I want. I've got guts to bought it because the online shop where it was for sale is my friends relative and also a friend of mine that lives in Baguio. Here's her online shoppe: Glamfash Line. I suggest you also visit her online shoppe, browse it and you'll find many many different fashionable items! :)

High-waist shorts. I'm really into high-waist shorts though my belly is showing up, but mixing up clothes can cover it. This is so cheap, really. It cost me only just P120 and I really love it. Here's her shop Rai Rai Couture

Disclaimer: All photos are courtesy of each online shoppe.

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