
List of Things To Do While On Lockdown/Quarantine Period

by - Friday, April 03, 2020

Let’s all admit it, this lockdown and quarantine period has gone most of us run out of things to do at home. Probably because we are used to do so many things outside our home. Most of us actually are not used to this kind of setup and has been on the edge thinking things to do while you are stuck at home.

For a diy-ers like me, a self-proclaimed crafters and artisan, I list all the possible things you might want to consider during this lockdown period. Prepare, for its going to be a little crafty here.

11.      Make a Seedling

I really wanted to make a list where every possible materials are on-hand since we are not allowed to go-out-go-out. So. For this number one on the list be realistic and if you’ve been wondering where to get some seeds, you can always rely on your fruits and vegetables. Those that have seeds in them, you can extract them and prepare them for seedling process.

Some basic vegetables you might want to consider is tomato, eggplants, bitter gourd (ampalaya), string bean (sitaw), gumbo (okra) and bell pepper. These lists are just some basic and common vegetables, definitely most of us eat and most especially real easy for seedling process and will take not so much time to grow (or of course it still depends).

To start, most people after extracting the seeds let it dry for a couple of days, but not too dry that its nutrients dried out as well, before planting it to your small cuppa. It could be anything, old tissue rolls, cup of yogurt, ice cream cup, or old egg holders.  

To a more detailed instructions there are a lot of sources you can find on the internet as it can vary from one household to the other depending on what’s available.

22.      Read A Book

For book-readers like myself, I know for a fact that we all have that book that we want to read for long, but given the lack of time thereof, day job and everything in between, we postponed and the pile of books to read are now getting higher.

This time, you got a time to read THAT book that has been sitting for ages on your shelf or desktop. To make it a little more organize, set a goal, for a day or two, then jump on another book to red. But, if you feel like this will bore you, a little bit of in between tiny-bit project won’t hurt. This lead to our next thing we can do. But of course, a little snack and/or tea/coffee doesn’t hurt while diving in to that book.

33.       Make Cooking and Baking Fun Again

Of course, staying at home requires a lot of time in the kitchen because, eating. But for those people that are used to ordering their food and eating ready-to-eat, perhaps it is time to get back on your kitchen and learn a few basic cooking and/or baking.

If you don’t know where to start, researching is the first step but If you are on social-media, people has been posting different ways on how they cook their dish, you can take note from that as others are using alternatives most of the time since we are on a lockdown and we maximize what have on-hand.

As for our household, I’ve been baking without an oven. Well, been doing it even before the lockdown, so there’s that.

Also, if you have kids, this could be a learning and fun activity for you. I’ve tried that Dalgona craze and its superb, works well with MILO too!

44.       Learn Something New

Online tutorials are everywhere, from diy stuff, from food, to how to draw, to how to setup an indoor garden, to different foreign languages and a lot more. As for me, I’ve been learning how to doodle and to draw. Youtube has been my bestfriend ever since my Macrame days. And trust me you can search and surely you’ll found one in there.

Just make sure, your chosen diy project materials are readily available at your home. 

55.       Exercise

Since we are advise to eat healthy food and to stay healthy, exercising is part of it. We need to keep our lungs and muscle still functioning at its best. Again, if you don’t know where to start, youtube has it all.

You can search for a 7-day challenge to 15-day to 30-day. Depending on how you want to challenge yourself. I, myself has been learning and doing a 30-day yoga and I only downloaded from Yoga With Adriene on youtube.

66.       Spend Quality Time With Your Family

We’ve been really busy all our lives and I know most get to spend time with their Family on weekends only and some not at all. Make this time a time for your Family. Play any inside games, like board games or mind games, or video games, or any games your family wants to try.

77.       Clean Your Room

Yes, esp ladies, I know we’ve got some pile of clothes somewhere in your closet that needs an attention. You can sort them and perhaps if not needed anymore, donate it for later after lockdown.

Or, your room has been a mess and you’ve been dying to find free time to clean it but haven’t got luck before, so now is the time. You can make a small to huge makeover, turning over the interior or adding diy projects to your wall or anything.

But most importantly, stay at home, guys. Stay healthy.

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