
Yoga Foam Roller From Power Guidance

by - Friday, November 15, 2019

Taking this time to let you know that I just started a new journey in the form of YOGA! Yesss, it is never too late to start something new at this age, and btw I am turning 31 this January and I just had my first yoga class last September of this year.

It was a long overdue from my bucketlist to try and possibly do forever. I'm honestly am excited. Honestly, its really spontaneous and we're at an isolated island and I honestly don't know where to buy some accessories to use.

For this post I want to focus on yoga foam roller. It is one of the accessory every yogi needs to own. Owning one helps you compliments your yoga practice. You can also incorporate them to your regular workouts. Plus, they are a good tool for massaging sour muscles after workouts.

Aside from already mentioned above, they are useful as well to different parts of the body while doing yoga such as thighs, thighs and calves, thigh (side), upper back, lower back, buttocks, feet, arms, chest, hip flexor, thoracic spine, and neck. Yoga roller is definitely a must have. It can also serve as quad massage!

Power Guidance definitely has this product. With their competitive price and color variations that will suit your lifestyle. They are a global equipment company that provides different workout accessories nationwide.

I don't see any cons on this product for a yogi myself I know how important this roller is.

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