
Bumpy Ride To Calaguas

by - Thursday, December 31, 2015

We were hesitated at first, there were hindrances, but we planned this for more than six months and we couldn't wait for another months.

There was a typhoon. But we heard that it was leaving the Philippines and we are expecting a sunny weather already, or we are hoping at least.

We made several calls esp from people that we know that lives at Camarines Norte to know the status of the weather there. If its really possible to still continue the out of town. Though we know that calling our contact would give us bias answer just for us to continue the out of town, we still do anyway. Besides, I know they wouldn't risk sending us out there because still, their name will be put on the line when things go wrong. And they know it more than us for they are operating and been going to that destination a hundred times than us.

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We did cast a vote to decide whether we are going or not. Since majority says yes, we still go. We leave Friday night and head to our meeting place with our contact person at SM MOA.

Kuya Sid is a very skilled driver. It was a smooth travel going to drop point where we are going to ride the boat going to Calaguas Island.

We did a stop at Daet where we ate breakfast at Jollibee and head over to the drop point. Little did we know, the real travel has yet to begin. Boarding the boat is easy. The place was like on the anaconda movie. Haha! I was thrilled, though. Because I am into that. I just don't know with the rest. Though everyone were laughing and throwing jokes about anaconda and crocodile, maybe its just a mixture of excitement. For its our first ever almost complete out of town trip. Only two were not able to join us.

Going over the river first is full of jokes and laughter but when we finally meet the ocean we were struck! Awaits us are a huge waves! Not one but many big waves!! We asked the boat man if its still safe to continue and they said yes. But I know most of my friends including me feel threatened but adding to that I feel thrilled. Though I am feeling guilty because I can see in their faces that some of them are scared.

I'm used to waves. I've been to a lot of oceans, from calm water to disturbed water. I've had a few shares of near death experience in the ocean but I don't consider it as bad omen but instead an experience to remember and treasured.

A bumpy ride it is. Waves here, waves there. But knowing my Team Friday? It was still full of laughter. We still joke about it, throwing different jokes from life-threatening to silly ones, but again, I know just to conceal what they are really feeling.

Though the water is not calm, the view is magnificent. Though a vast ocean, a never ending body of water with no land nearby, the water looks so beautiful still, with a few fish hopping on the waters. The sound of waves gives giggles to me.

Whilst of everything going on inside of me and being aware of my surroundings, we didn't see it coming, it was that fast, like a bolt of lighting, it was beyond our control. It was beyond our imagination, but it hit us hard.

Two big waves coming are coming from both sides of the boat. We are hit. We almost lost it. If you are a surfer you probably would enjoy the scene, but we weren't. Thank heavens for our good boatman for griping the "manibela" hard enough to pull as out to live and survive.

No laughter were heard since the hit. No jokes, no spirit of enthusiasm. One of us cried it its still possible to go back. Some of us panic, remembering our family back home. Some of us cried. Literally. I can see in their faces that they are all scared. Honestly, I don't know what I am feeling that time. Definitely not scared. I remember during the hit of two waves, I just closed my eyes and that's it. Total blackness. No flashing of your life in front of you. Just dark.

Anyway, so much for the big waves experience, life must move on. Actually, after that, the water never calms. We were up and down the waves. That was a total of 3 hrs in the waves. Wet and scared. We were so ecstatic everytime we saw an island, but felt disappointed immediately knowing that it's not yet the island of Calaguas. On and on the bumpy ride at the waves. The boatman on the other hand, continuously telling us that what we experienced is normal, that there are far more life-threatening big waves before that that they've experienced. Our contact? Kuya Sid? He was fast asleep (resting from the long drive) he was so calm sleeping, that he was awoken by my friends scream and calmly told us that it is again, for the nth time "normal" And we are like "define normal ba dito papuntang calaguas??"

We thought that's it. But there's more! Hindi na talaga kumalma yung tubig! Approaching the island was harder than we thought. The boat can't make it any nearer the shore because of the big waves splashing over it. If the boat gets any nearer and with that energy of the wave, The boat will be broken. We did a lot of tries but no luck. The boat man decided that from where we stop we jump out and we swim towards the island. Yes! Survivor peg! Remember that scene? Survivor Philippines! Where the survivors were asked to jump in the sea and swim through the shore? That is exactly what happened to us!

Most of us were no swimmers. SO what the boatman did is tie a rope from the boat to the nearest tree in the island and that will serve as  our guide. One of his crew will be going to assist us.

I feel so excited! Imagine adrenaline rush all over my body! It was one of my favorite experience, though I got lots of bruises from that. And I am no swimmer! But this is one of those once in a lifetime experience and probably will not happen to all of us.

We all manage to reach the shore. All wet; including our things.

The rest of the hours were spent indulging on the fine sand of Calaguas. Too bad we didn't get to witnessed how serene it is because of the constant big waves. But we still manage to enjoy to the fullest! Pictures can justify it but I know not fully.

The night of our stay at the island we were talking about the big waves attack while having dinner. Exclaimed each experience and feelings and thoughts about it. It was really funny! And we laugh at it. Probably one of those memorable laugh we had.

It was a quick trip actually if you will think of it. We were leaving the next day and our boat man advise us to leave early to avoid big waves. But either early or not big waves never left us. Going to our boat was harder than from boat to the shore. We change to swimming attire since we will be soak in the water once again.

Since we've already experienced worst on our way to Calaguas we did not expect least that ride. We are still laughing, throwing jokes, bit ready for any waves. Imagine when it is my turn to go to the boat, a big waves comes to the shore, big enough that the boat disappear from our sight! Thank heavens I didn't swim right away or else where am I now?

It was my first time to see two different bodies of water that meet but did not joined. Its as if there were barriers that hinders them from joining together. Oh, how I love nature so much and the mystery behind it! Isn't it our nature so wonderful and full of mysteries? You can see the difference in their color. I've took a photo of it but it wasn't clear though, I guess investing to more quality camera should be on my list too, but I've seen a lot of those photos from different parts of the world and it was magnificent! I never thought that I will be seeing one in my life!

At last, on the drop point we were relieved and thankful that we are still alive. We changed clothes and prepare to leave and go home with so many stories and experience to share.

At drop point. Picture muna!

Bago sumampa ng bangka, picture ulit ^^

Ready to go! Here we come, Calaguas!

See? It really looks like from the movie, Anaconda haha!

The struggle is real! We really had a hard time going to the shore. 

That's my pink bag! 

Manong bangkero struggling at the rope

We together with our things are all wet

But all the struggle are worth it just by seeing this beauty!

Still, the waves are big but the beauty as it kisses the shore, ugr nothing compares <3

Playing in between the waves. 

Me and my friends are having so much fun!!

And perhaps the waves enjoyed us too :)

I saw this hair post at facebook and asked my friend to do it to our hair. haha!

Lunch time!!

Next day are all the same. The struggle of going back to the boat is much worse than going to shore.

Picture time!

With kuya Sid! Picture picture before we leave the island.

Anjan na yung anaconda, joke. :P

Camarines Norte trip will never be complete without a stop at Alvinos! The food are really superb!

Ang buwis buhay na paglalakbay sa dagat pa Calaguas, Camarines Norte, dated last October 10-12, 2014is an official entry to my 81 Before 30 Challenge.

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  1. Ellie, that was just a little scary... I am happy that you and your friends are safe xox

    Happy New Year, I wish for love and joy for you in 2016 and beyond ♡

  2. Thank you dear, follow you №680
    happy New Year!

  3. Bit scary, but glad you all are safe and had a great time. Happy New Year. Thank you for the comment, sure we can follow each other. I just followed on GFC and Bloglovin, so you can follow me back. Have a great weekend to come x

  4. Amazing pictures <3
    I wish you a happy New Year!


Thanks for the wonderful message!