
All The Way Down

by - Thursday, November 05, 2015

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Indoor outfit post for now. And wasn't able to really edit the whole photos. I faced a lot of struggle when posting my outfit. One, no one will take the photo of me. Two, I don't have the perfect spot in the house where I can get the proper lighting. Three, even outdoor shooting is a struggle, can't seem to find a perfect place. Four, my camera was a mess and damaged. But, I worked on it. First, I bought a tripod, so I get to shoot on my own. Second, honestly, I am still working this out, our house was not yet finished especially our own rooms, so this particular outfit photos were taken at the living room which obviously, not yet painted and the lighting sucks. I know. But I did everything to edit the photo, though it still look lame. Third, I found the perfect spot for my outfit post, if you have noticed my previous outfits its a great place, its actually a Church nearby and has a wide space and different good spot. I honestly don't want people to see me shooting, they kinda giving me this look, esp I'm the only one. haha! Fifth, I was able to have it cleaned, but the flash is still broken and it costs too much and I don't want to have it repaired that will cost that high so I am planning to buy an external flash that I will invest soon when I start my job.

I think, we all have our fair share of struggle when it comes to blogging. And of course, we have our own forte and genre of what we want to share and post. But it all comes down to doing what we love and that is to share what we've got and by that to help others and get inspired by what we are doing and sharing, and by that I believe that we get this satisfaction that is more for ourselves. Honestly, I get hyped whenever I blog. It's such and has been an outlet for me. Its as if I am in different world, a world I can call my own.

What are your struggles when you started blogging and how did you overcome it? Let me know on the comments!

"How can something so real can end like that? How can something so passionate have to endure pain like that? How can something so magical can be so tragic like that? How can something so perfect can cause so much damage like that?"

With so much love, Ellie

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  1. The dress is so beautiful! And you look so glam in this outfit too :)

  2. Super cute dress on you, I love it!

  3. I love your dress, it looks amazing on you. Lovely outfit, you look so pretty <3

    Valentina from FASHION with VALENTINA.

  4. Ellie your dress looks so good on you... I hope you find someone that will take the pictures for you, you did a good job though...

    I love the last words... how could love bring such pain...

  5. Hi Ellie! I think we all struggle with locations to shoot and not wanting anyone to see (that's my worst fear lol). I always stick to the same location cause I'm comfortable there, but it's starting to get repetitive and boring. Anyways, this dress looks fab on you girl! :)

  6. This dress suits you perfectly dear.
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