
Live By The Sun

by - Sunday, April 05, 2015

bralette myfindsph | hw shorts thrift | cardigan thrift | bag nine west

Summer has officially started! Loving the beach, the sand, the people, the sun, the wave, the cold water, the foods and drinks. Sometimes, I think of leaving my life here in Manila and live in Boracay and establish a business there. I wanna live in a place like this.

Anyway, hows summer so far? I've been to two different beach already and there's more to come! I'm looking for a jampack schedule this April and May.

I just bought my friends laptop so I'll be updating my blog more often than before. Yay! Thanks for the continuous support guys I deeply appreciate it. I'm missing all of you! Probably after work I'll be reading and keep an update from y'all guys.

Have an awesome Easter!


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  1. How lovely it is to see the beach... we still have ice and snow, although it's been warmer lately... I'm looking forward to Spring... Nice that you have a new to you computer so you can update your blog more.... Happy Easter ♡

  2. i miss being on the beach
    Happy Easter

  3. I love your outfit! Looks great :D

  4. Ahh I'm so jealous! Haven't hit the beach yet! Huhu. Happy Easter! :)

    Lime & Life

  5. Beautiful photo <3 Happy Easter!! :)

  6. It looks so beautiful there! We've just had a burst of sun and warm weather today after having snow in the week! Beautiful beach outfit!

    Sharon xx
    Beauty, Miscellany

  7. It looks so relaxing there! Glad to see that you're having fun. ^.^
    We barely started Spring, but there's been a couple of days that feel like summer.

    Vegetarian Courtesy

  8. Beautiful post!


Thanks for the wonderful message!