

by - Wednesday, June 06, 2012

I had the privilege to attend one of the most spectacular event in our country. The EL PASUBAT FESTIVAL of TAAL. 

For me, this vacation is just another normal vacation, where you go to your friends place, hang-out, have fun and so on. I didn't imagine that this vacation will turned out to be this so great, awesome and really unforgettable.  

The plan is to go there by Saturday, April 28, 2012, but since I can't last anymore just staying in our house I asked Jhec, my friend whom I'm going to visit if I can go at her place by Thursday so I can witness these events she's been telling me about, the EL PASUBAT. She agreed. Thursday before lunch I'm on my way at Taal, Batangas. Personally, my mom's hometown is Batangas, but not at Taal, its Agoncillo. 

When I was young I remember going there with my family, visiting my lolo, lola and my tito's and tita. I remember those big old ancestral house of our lola where we always play and scare each other of some creature that appears at night, climbing the trees at my lola's vast yard, those 5 comfort rooms outside the house, the duyan at my cousins place, the road we're crossing then being scold after, the piggery, the place I remember the busy streets during fiestas, playing at peryas with my cousins and brothers and sister, attending the mass, the santacruzan,  and many more, clearly a memory full of fun and experience.

I arrived Thursday late afternoon, meet new acquaintances, go to one place to another. Drink a bit for tomorrow will be another fun day here at Taal.

The following day. Nothing much happened, though at night me and Jhec spend it with her office mates drinking in Jhec's place, of course, with Jhec's dad permission.

The following day, surely a very busy day, for parade and all exciting activities will happen. Call time? 7 am.

The EL PASUBAT which stands for Empanada Longganisa PAnutsa SUman BArong Balisong Tapa have their parade on Saturday April 28, 2012, last day and I should say the vey busy day of the festival.

On the parade, they showcase their talented students while dancing on their colorful wardrobes and costumes along with those floats riding a most dearest young man and a young lady. Showing off their beauty and the pride of taal.

The fun part of it all? I get a chance to take a shots of them, not so pro but definitely one that shows what they've got. So here's the photos that I've taken. Hope you like it!

I really don't know exactly who they are, but all I know they're from the schools of Taal, and they're wearing lovely and colorful outfits so let's start this

They all look lovely right? That ends of it. I'm really am so tired already. But it's just around 9 am so it's still a long day ahead! So many fun activities awaits. So up for my next posts: UP UP AT BASILICA DE SAN MARTIN DE TOURS TAAL! Wanna know what I experienced in there? :)


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