There are different colors of dresses to match the theme of a wedding. Though, not all, would like to have everything on just one color. Most of them, mix and matches the color to look more appealing and desirable to the eyes. For it to look more catchy and presentable. One advice I...
Ocean Blue Bridesmaid Dresses From Yesbabyonline
Monday, August 26, 2019 Are you one those bride to be? Do you wish a themed wedding? Or would love to take your wedding to another level by wearing one of a kind and unique dresses? Of course, we all know that the center of the wedding will always be the bride. There’s no doubt about...
Vintage Dresses Collection From Zapaka
Saturday, August 24, 2019 I always and forever believe that I am an old soul trap on this year. For the past decade, vintage dresses are forever my go-to theme dresses. Whenever I go shopping or selecting from sponsored brands, I always look for something vintage in them. It is just one of those unexplained choices...
Bodysuit and Waist Trainer From Feelingirls
Saturday, August 24, 2019
For the past couple of years, as social media became the basis of what norm is, people posting and flaunting their bodies, esp celebrities, most people are now jumping in to that craze, too. I am no against being fit and to dream to have a perfect and fit body. But, if your...
Plus Size Evening Dresses From NewArrivalDress
Thursday, August 22, 2019 I know there are a lot of women who are struggling to find plus size evening dresses. Most of the time it is always custom made for them and there are no readily available. For some, it is devastating but for others it is not. Let me help you on finding that...
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Where To Stay: Liwliwa Cheap Secret Spot Accomodation, A DIY Surfer Travel Guide
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Liwliwa is one of those promising beach spot near metro. But we don't want to make a wrong impression on this post. I would like to emphasize that this is not a resort, its a community here. Your trash are definitely not welcome here. 6-hour bus ride from Metro Manila and a laidback...
Cheap Homecoming Dresses From 27 Dress Shop
Sunday, August 18, 2019 Wearing cheap doesn't always mean compromising the quality and the style of your dress. There are a lot of affordable dresses out there that doesn't jeopardize the quality of their product. 27 dress shop is one of the most leading provider of dresses. Giving their customer the chance to wear sophisticated and...
Babyonline Wholesale: Cocktail Kleider and Kurze Ballkleider
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
I know on the past years, partying has been part of our lives as much as dressing up. With technology ever evolving as well as the trends we have now. We all have our own choice, from colors to style to lengths and whether if its a good fit with our bag or...
Brautjungfernkleider Altrosa And Günstige Umstandsbrautkleider From Babyonline
Tuesday, August 06, 2019
Gotta keep those dresses coming! Hey there! Another dress post for our ladies out there. I know there are a lot of online shops now out there and its been troublesome looking for some but this post will help you to narrow down those choices. If you are preparing for your wedding then...
Bob Wigs From Lux Hair Shop
Sunday, August 04, 2019 Are you ready for some twist for your hair? Want to experiment with your hair but too scared it might not look good on you and there's no turning back? Or are you afraid of coloring it and dying it with different colors every now and then and end up ruining and...