
Dambana Ng Kagitingan, Bataan

Friday, June 24, 2016
-------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with Booking.com! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- A quick getaway from the city to one of the most historical places here in the Philippines. Dambana ng Kagitingan is located at near the summit of Mt. Samat in the town of Pilar in the Province of Bataan. The shrine...

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LOTR: Life On The Road

Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Nope, definitely not Lord Of The Rings. Introducing Life On The Road, here I will be narrating my travel and life while on the road for a number of days. You are well aware about my Project 81 and since I am travelling on a DIY basis and on tight budget I have...

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Lajos Island, Caramoan

Sunday, June 12, 2016
-------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with Booking.com! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- 17 hours of travel just to see this beauty. Yep, all worth it!  I've been dying to go to the beach and honestly I never had a beach outing since February of this year(2016) so imagine my thrill going on one....

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Bulkang Magayon; A Perfect Cone Shape

Sunday, June 05, 2016
-------------------------------------------------- Book your trip with Booking.com! It's safe and can guarantee low price! -------------------------------------------------- I'm in hiatus for almost two months on travelling my beloved country. My comeback is my trip to two of the most popular provinces of Bicol Region: CamSur and Albay. The fact that I am not allowed to hike and run...

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